Subsidence Home Insurance
If your home has suffered from subsidence before, or is at risk of subsidence in the future, you’ll know that arranging your home insurance can be costly and frustrating as it can often be hard to find affordable cover for homes that differ from the norm.
We specialise in finding you the cover you need, from our panel of trusted insurers, because we understand that Subsidence Home Insurance doesn’t need to be a headache!
We can cover most non-standard risks, including:
- Floods
- Subsidence
- Unoccupied properties
- Owners with previous convictions
- Owners with adverse claims history
What makes my home a ‘subsidence risk’?
You would be surprised to find out what can make your home ‘subsidence-risk’ and once you know what to look for, you can go to the specialists to get the cover you require.
Insurers tend to view properties or areas as a subsidence risk if they have suffered from subsidence before, or are likely to suffer from subsidence in the future. Subsidence can occur for many reasons, but are mostly due to landslip as a result of geological reasons. If your home or others around yours have suffered from subsidence, then it’s likely that you live in a subsidence area.